How to Start a Podcast with No Audience (A Complete Guide)

Start Podcast With No Audience

Starting a new podcast is exciting, but it can be stressful if you are starting with no existing audience.

It’ll be much easier to start a new podcast if you have an existing audience. Let’s say an email list, a big social media following, or maybe you have an existing podcast with a good number of listeners. This will give you access to some of the important information such as the type of content your audience will prefer, and you also have the means to promote your podcast.

But when you are starting a new podcast with no existing audience, you have limited access to this information and resources.

In this article, I’m going to share with you some of the best tips that will help you start a new podcast with no existing audience and grow your show faster.

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Start With a Very Specific Niche.

This is very important when you are starting a new podcast with no existing audience because going too broad will make it very hard for you to define your listeners and provide content that relates to them.

More: How to Find The Best Podcast Niche.

For example, if I am starting a new podcast on “Healthy Relationship Guide”, it’ll be much harder for me to grow this podcast than if I am starting a podcast on “healthy relationship guide for new couples”.

So, the first step is to start with a specific niche.

Understand Your Listeners

Next, have an ultimate understanding of your listeners. Remember, the one who understands the customer best wins.

Building a detailed audience profile is crucial to growing your show fast.

If you know some of the important information about your listeners, such as their average age, their physical location, their hobbies, what they want to talk about the most, and their pain points, it’ll be much easier for you to provide content that relates to them, content that solves their problem, content that they always want to consume.

And this will be your key to growing a new podcast with no existing audience.

When you understand the main pain point of your listeners and you provide valuable content that talks about that pain point, you have a higher chance of growing a new podcast fast.

Marketing Plan

Next, you need a strategic and consistent marketing plan.

Building a massive audience takes time and is an intentional process. It doesn’t happen by accident. It happens through delivering valuable content and a consistent marketing effort.

First, you need to choose your desired promotional method, whether that is search engine optimization, email marketing, collaboration, and create a marketing plan for at least three months.

I am talking about an actionable marketing plan that you will work on day by day.

You shall decide how much time you are willing to invest in managing and growing your show, or how much money you want to invest in hiring a podcast manager like me to manage and grow your podcast.

The bottom line, you can start and grow a new podcast show with no existing audience, but how fast you grow will depend on your consistent content creation and your consistent marketing effort.

Read next: How to Find Listeners for New Podcasts

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On my YouTube channel, I am sharing some of the best tips, tricks, and tutorials that will help you launch and grow your podcast in the fastest way.

If this is something you are interested in, be sure to subscribe to my channel and get into epic mode

If you want me to help you launch and grow your podcast without working crazy hours a week, schedule a free 20 minutes discovery call with me Here!

Happy Podcasting!



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